Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer workshop 2012 review

I laboratori estivi di Opificio della Rosa per l'estate 2012:

Xilografia policroma by Umberto Giovannini
Xilografia with students from CSM school (London) by Umberto Giovannini
Bulino su rame 1: livello avanzato by Jurgen Czaschka
Xilografia giapponese by Woun Gean Ho
Xilografia: livello avanzato by Umberto Giovannini
Photopolymer plate by Victoria Brown
Photopolymer plate con gli studenti dell'accademia di Catania by Victoria Brown
Bulino su Rame 2: livello avanzato by Jurgen Czaschka


Woodcut workshop 2012.

Un giorno di lezione al workshop di Xilografia, tenuto da Umberto Giovannini.
One day at woodcut workshop by Umberto Giovannini. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Programm of new summer workshop is now on-line
see ou website:

Color woodcut 1: Camaïeu
by Umberto Giovannini, 25-27 May

Burin on copper 1: advanced level
by Jürgen Czaschka, 2-6 July

Coloured multi-plate prints
by Ann Norfield, 9-13 July

Japanese Woodblock
by Wuon-Gean Ho, 16-20 July

Color woodcut 2: advanced level
by Umberto Giovannini, 30 July - 8 August

Linocut and Letterpress for Illustration
by Nick Morley, 13-18 August

by Victoria Browne, 20-24 August

Burin on copper 2: advanced level
by Jürgen Czaschka, 7-9 September

For information and enrolment see our website:

The inside: atelier 1

The iside: atelier 2

The outside: the Castle of Sigismondo Malatesta in Montefiore Conca